Fresh off the tail of our engagement, my man and I, (eh hem) or should I say, my Fiance and I drove down to Monterey to celebrate Feb 14th at the gorgeous Monterey Plaza Hotel where chocolate covered strawberries and champagne awaited us in our room.
Might I digress, for a moment to declare. OHMYGAWD, the Monterey Plaza Hotel is one of the most luxurious, romantic, and special places I've ever snuck away to. It jets out over the ocean where the waves are so dramatic and the air so fresh, that one feels swept away in a romance novel. Plus, the food is UHmazing there. Amazing.
Anyway, chocolate covered strawberries awaited us in our room and I have to say.. I'm not usually a choc-strawberry girl. In general, I don't think fruit has a role in my desserts. Unless it's banana.. otherwise, fruit is too zingy and healthy to be much fun. That said, these chocolate-covered strawberries were totally delicious. Even my guy agreed, and he never likes sweets (I know, crazy).
The strawberries were sweet and ripe and enveloped in a particularly delicious chocolate shell. Together, chocolate and strawberry danced in my mouth before their champagne bath.
I guess you'd have to stay a the Monterey Plaza Hotel in order to try these delectable treats... but really, would that be so bad? A 5-cherry experience all around!
For more info on the Monterey Plaza Hotel, click here.
To see some photos, click below
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