It's Good to Spaz
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So today's tip: "It's Good to Spaz." Ha! Yes, I can be a complete spaz, but that's not exactly what I meant for this Thin Tip (though, I'm sure being hyper burns a generous amount of calories. ;)
What I mean is, if I gain weight, I do freak out. This small detail might seem contradictory from a girl who doesn't count fat or calories and eats as she pleases. Every now and then though, I go through spurts where I just eat too much for too many days in a row without listening to my body and how full it's getting. These spurts are usually vacation or stress related.
Like I mentioned in this entry here, my weight swings left and right of it's happy place by a few pounds every week. When I swing too far past my comfort zone though, I.. well, I "spaz" about it. And by spaz, I mean I look at the scale, pout, determine to eat fresh veggies and minimal desserts the next few days, mope, but stick to it.
I heard a study once that said people who freak out about gaining as much as 3-5 pounds always maintain their weight. Most Americans put on a pound a year and don't really observe this happening to them and just let it slide (15 years later, that's a lot more weight!). People who're determined to shave new pounds off before they stick around a while are those who never get fat. This tactic reminds me of a quote I heard form Will Smith once- "It's easier to stay in shape than get in shape."
So there you have it, while you shouldn't be hard on yourself for a few extra pounds beyond your normal weight, you should be in tune to when it's going overboard, stop yourself in those tracks, and discipline yourself for a few days until you're back to where you should be. Discipline is no fun, but then again, neither is feeling uncomfortable in your own skin.
LOL the comic is funny. I never thought about the little fact you posted but it makes sense. I don't want to be one of those people obsessed with the scale and I admit I weigh myself WAY more often than I should, and similarly, I get angry when I put on a few pounds. Not putting on weight is a discipline though; it's not easy! and then trying to LOSE weight takes even more discipline!
Posted by: Chloe | 08/25/2010 at 11:20 PM
I just came across your blog, and I love it! I am in the process of revamping my lifestyle (without depriving myself) to one that includes healthy, real foods. Thanks for the inspiration!
Posted by: | 08/31/2010 at 09:54 AM